Dispute Resolution

We are firm believers in trying to find all creative and available options for solving commercial problems in ways that are convenient for the client’s interests, and avoid litigation whenever possible.

Sometimes litigation is but the only viable solution. And in those cases, we accompany our clients through the entire process of planning the appropriate strategy and going to Court. Our approach is hands-on, pragmatic and cost-efficient.

We not only handle contentious matters before Spanish Courts and IP Offices (including of course EUIPO) but also coordinate enforcement and litigation cases for many of our clients either globally or on specific regions, most notably Latam or Europe, where we have significant experience. We also coordinate multijurisdictional disputes for some of our clients, which provides the great advantage of a centralised and coherent strategy across all jurisdictions where the dispute arises.

Alternative dispute resolution is becoming increasingly important as a way to obtain the benefits of litigation but in a quicker and cheaper manner. We can also advise our clients in mediation and arbitration proceedings.