
José Antonio Espinosa

Jose Antonio Espinosa is Of Counsel at ELLIPSE IP. He is a lawyer specialized in economic criminal law and corporate criminal law and has more than 15 years of experience in these areas. He is a member of the Criminal Law Section of the Provincial Bar Association of Alicante. 

José Antonio coordinates various kinds of criminal proceedings at the firm, and in particular all those that refer to counterfeits of trademarks and other industrial property rights.

He is an associate professor of Criminal Law at the Miguel Hernández University, responsible for teaching Criminal Law II in the Law Degree as well as in the Public and Private Security Degree. He is also a professor of Economic Crime and Criminal Policy at the Centro Crímina, of Criminal Responsibility at the Master’s Degree in Law at the Miguel Hernández University and of Documentary Falsehoods in the Master’s Degree in Calligraphic Expertise and Documents.

Finally, he has been awarded the Trino Quijano Prize for Police Studies and Citizen Security and decorated by the Ministry of the Interior of the Generalitat Valenciana for his merits in criminal and criminological investigation.