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European Patent Office changes 10-day notification rule As of November 1, 2023, the old familiar rule that a document from the EPO is deemed to be delivered to the addressee on the tenth day following its electronic transmission or handover to the postal service provider will no longer apply. Instead, postal and electronic notification will be deemed to occur on the date of the document.

Open Source and IP

In the dynamic realm of the tech industry, innovation is the lifeblood of progress. It fuels advancements in software, hardware, and digital services that shape our world. At the same time, intellectual property (IP) rights are the legal scaffolding supporting innovation, safeguarding the interests of creators, inventors, and businesses. The coexistence of innovation and IP has been a topic of ongoing debate, and within this landscape, open source software has emerged as a fascinating intersection.

In the dynamic world of startups, intellectual property (IP) can be a game-changer. Patents and trademarks, in particular, offer valuable protection for innovations and brand identity. However, many startups face the common dilemma of limited budgets and resources. The challenge lies in determining when and how to initiate the patent and trademark process effectively. In this article, we'll explore strategies tailored to startups, offering advice on optimizing IP protection while being mindful of financial constraints.

Resilient Brands

In the digital age, where global commerce thrives on interconnected networks, the challenge of counterfeiting has grown to unprecedented levels. Counterfeit products not only erode brand reputation and consumer trust but also pose significant economic and safety risks. To fortify their presence and safeguard their reputation, businesses must adopt robust strategies for trademark protection against counterfeiting. This article delves into the gravity of counterfeiting, its impact on brands, and effective measures to build resilient trademark protection.

In the landscape of innovation, where ideas can spark transformative changes, protecting intellectual property is paramount. Patents play a central role in safeguarding inventions and innovations, providing inventors with the legal framework to secure their ideas and capitalize on their creativity. This article explores the journey of an invention from concept to market and the crucial role that patents play in every step of this process.

In the world of innovation and invention, securing a patent is a significant milestone that offers legal protection for your groundbreaking ideas. Patents provide inventors and innovators with exclusive rights to their creations, preventing others from making, using, selling, or importing the patented invention without permission. If you're venturing into the realm of patents, this step-by-step guide will demystify the patent process and help you navigate the intricate path towards safeguarding your intellectual property.